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Monday 24 September 2012

:: when dis eyes are very stubborn ::

Can't sleep, can't sleep.....................i wish i can.............! miss my childhood n teenager memories.....the time when i live wif my strong dad n mom, beloved brothers n sisters, also kazens...if i can turn back.....! today, a lot of worries need to be thinking n solve...........oh world......a loser.....

We took it all for granted

When childhood was alive
We hadn’t a worry in the world
When childhood was alive
We played all day with no worries

When childhood was alive

All of us so innocent and free
When childhood was alive
Nobody knew what lied ahead for us, 
Nobody disagreed
All we knew that we were kids
Born to play
Born to speak our minds

When childhood was alive

That time that you felt
Nothing would hold you back
That time that you felt you were free

When childhood was alive

But now ‘tis dead
For it passes too quickly
And now the time has come
To break all ties with childhood
To say goodbye to being a kid
And to say hello to more obstacles
Because childhood is dead
It is long gone
Now ‘tis the time
That you move on   
(Praveen Baid)

go sleep ..go sleep..go hard n positive mind then, find the right path.......INsyaAllah...

by: a LoseR? no, when Allah wif us, Believe Him...there always have the solution....

Friday 21 September 2012

:: yAyAn Da FigHteR ::

alhamdulillah syukur......(berbelas2 kali diucapkan) after got a msg from mommy elly yang rayyan makin pulih n da bleh balik umah........wlaupun still lagi dlam proses fisio tok dia kembali berjalan n everthing..but alhamdulillah ......yayan u r a real fighter..........

alhamadulillah doa, bacaan yassin yang papa, mommy, mama yuyu n kluarga d kampng x ptus2 utk rayyan...solat hajat d kmpng jgak x ptus for u rayyan........alhamdulillah..............

first time tgok rayyan kat IJN aritu dgn wyar berselirat.......luruh air mata mama yuyu kat bahu mommy.......ur mommy n papa also sngt tabah tok buat dis dcsion..da best decision for u...........

alhamdulillah after one month yayan back to normal............hopefully yayan x da lagi biru2, cpat penat mcm dulu.........Alhamdulillah ya Allah kau lindungi anak kecil ini........Alhamdulillah yayan slamat menjalani pembedahan jantngnya...........semoga yayan sentiasa dilindungi....aminn.............

p/s : bila bsar nnti yayan baca post mama yuyu ni eh..........n see how much kami menyayangi u dear.........

1. hari pertama after surgery.........

2. a week after surgery.......

 3. yayan 2 hari yang lepas after sebulan surgery.......he smile again.......
yayan wif his billboard ........model IJN suda..........
dats all story about you yayan (mohammad rayyan iman) ........hehe..mama yuyu dah ngantukk...nnti mama yuyu citer lagi okeyy........x sbar tgu sbtu nie..nk jmpa kamu n dngar u kol me "ma yu" (hopefully) ..da siap beli ur favourite foods coudboury bar n chipsmore........=)

errmmm mengupload pic 1 tnpa kbnaran mommy........heeheeee...nnti sbtu ni aii mntak izin yeww..upload dlu..........nitezzzzz.........

Sunday 2 September 2012

:: C.I.N.T.A ::

cinta bukan pada c0uple

cinta bukan pada "I LOVE Y0U"

cinta tidak terletak pada "I MISS Y0U"

Itu semuanya cinta nafsu

cinta suci itu akan terucap saat lafaz ijabqabul dilafazkan

ketika itulah tujuan cinta menjadi kerana Allah

satukanlah cinta kerana Allah


quote: fb...