Blogger Layouts


Get your own Digital Clock

Saturday 2 July 2011

::pleZZ dont read !!!::

i want to write sumething..but dont know what should it be.................blank page maybe..same like my brain now...........dont want to publish..but still want to publish..its my fingers faults..............dont read this okey!!!

seriusly...dont read this......cause its nothing...........

juz a rubbish............rubbish la.........

finger...stoppp........GAME OVER......!!!!!!!!!!!!

C!!!!!!!!!!! i said be patient...but u juz ruined everything..........hishhhhhhhhhhh

GAME OVERR.....!! Stop thinking but "tettttttt" they already a biggg human.........take care..dont make stupid thing..........<why i still worying but u??>

kidsss plezzzz..........HUh!!!!

GAME OVER........really2 GAME OVER.........TIRED to thinkk ..its getting hard n hard........PEACE plez come to us..........

hey..eyes!! go sleep now...ur brain need a rest.......stop thinking.............

STOP READING!!!!!!!!!!!! i said its rubbish.....................plezz dont read this...u will b regret later for reading this rubbish..............

...................................................GAME OVER.............................................


  1. wlppun u ckp entry ni rubbish..but i got wat ur mean...mklumla..ak la mnusia y pling memahami..

  2. thanks ecah...yup ko lah yg pling2 plinggg memahami aku since we r b friends 6 tahun y lpas...dun wori K...n tq for ur undrstnding..
